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Tannehill Lodge No. 52 Hosts 176th Installation of Officers

2019 Installation of Officers | Masons of Dallas
Newly Installed Officers of Tannehill Lodge No. 52 A.F. & A.M.

Tuesday July 2, 2024, Tannehill Lodge No 52 held its 176th Installation of Officers at the Dallas Scottish Rite Cathedral. Since 1848 the Masons of Tannehill Lodge have built and served the city of Dallas.

Serving as installing Master of Ceremonies for the event was Brother Darrell Hefley, District Instructor for Masonic District 14A, Brother Ken Black (Past Master of Highland Park Lodge No. 1150) served as Installing Marshal. Thank you to the guests and friends who were able to attend.

To the members and officers of Tannehill Lodge, thank you for your devoted service to Masonry and for your participation in this great event. I personally look forward to working with each of you in the coming year.

Installation Slideshow

If you are interested in learning more about Freemasonry or Tannehill Masonic Lodge please visit our website or contact us for more information.


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